Assessments And Treatments

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Consistent Results From Our Professional Team

Assessments and Treatments

Novo Medical Services employs a holistic, collaborative approach to ensure all of your needs are being met. From the beginning, we are dedicated to working with you to identify treatment goals. Depending on your assessment and treatment needs, we assign a number of cross-disciplinary health care providers including psychologists, chiropractors, social workers, occupational therapists, psychiatrists and other physicians to achieve a maximum recovery goal. Your Health and Wellbeing Come First!


The purpose of Psychological Assessment is to gather information about the client’s current emotional, psychological and mental health in order to diagnose any psychological complains and disorders caused or increased by the motor vehicle accident. The interview involves questions about headaches, stress, sleeping problems, anxiety, nervousness, nightmares, fear of driving and cars, etc. In case the injured person needs help, psychological treatments are prescribed by the psychologist to help the claimant to return to the pre-accident status.

The purpose of Medical/Legal assessment is to validate an individual’s case by attaching medical evidence. It includes a professional opinion and expertise on the clients sustained injuries. The assessment includes in-depth clinical interview, review of all medical/file documentation, and extensive psychological testing. At the end of the assessment, a comprehensive report is prepared to address diagnosis, level of psychological disability, and on a balance of probabilities basis, causality, future treatment needs and whether impairments are permanent and serious. This assessment is usually prepared for TORT cases wishing to maximize their client’s patient care and treatment.

Chronic pain conditions require reliable and valid pain assessment. Therefore, chronic Pain assessments evaluate the client’s physical, psychological and psychosocial signs of a chronic pain condition, functional limitation, impairments, and disability. Our chronic pain assessments address multiple domains of pain, including the sensory and affective qualities of pain, temporal dimensions of pain, and the location and bodily distribution of pain.  The results represent the data that informs diagnosis, clinical management, and decision making with regard to further rehabilitation recommendations.

The purpose of a psychiatric assessment is to gather information about a person within a psychiatric service, with the purpose of making a diagnosis. The assessment is usually the first stage of a treatment process. Therefore, the priority is to assess quickly and minimize risk and to ensure appropriate access to mental health care resources as quickly as is necessary and appropriate.

The purpose of the physiatry assessment is to manage a patient’s medical issues as they participate through the rehabilitation process. A physiatrist will assess the patient and assure that the patient is medically stable to participate in therapies.

The purpose of Orthopedic assessment is to gather information about the client’s current physical health to diagnose any injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, as well as, joints and ligaments caused or increased by the motor vehicle accident. During the assessment, the physician will apply physical tests, or ‘special tests’, that are used by clinicians in physical therapy, and orthopedics/ orthopedics in general, during a physical examination. These tests are used to rule in or out specific musculoskeletal problems.

The purpose of a neurological assessment is an evaluation of a person’s nervous system that can be done in the healthcare provider’s office. It usually does not cause any pain to the patient. The assessment helps doctors to diagnose peripheral neuropathy. A neurological examination includes the following: the history: questions concerning your symptoms and condition and an evaluation of the neurological function.

  A neuropsychological assessment is the administration of neuropsychological tests for the formal assessment of cognitive function.Thorough neuropsychological testing is more than the administration and scoring of tests and screening tools. It is essential that neuropsychological assessment also include an evaluation of the person’s mental and cognitive status

The driving assessment addresses the client’s cognitive skills, medical history, and driving history, and how the motor vehicle accident impacts the client’s physical ability, cognition, visuospatial skills, and response time.

The Functional Cognitive Assessment  is a cognitive-behavioral evaluation of the client and is designed to assess parameters of executive function affecting the execution of daily life activities, in patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

The purpose of the Concussion assessment is to evaluate and diagnose the client’s known or suspected concussion or mild TBI.

The purpose of In-Home assessment is to evaluate if the client who is injured in a motor vehicle accident has difficulty with the daily housekeeping activities and to determine if any special devices are needed to assist the person in returning to pre-accident status.

Our occupational therapists or registered nurses will determine whether attendant care services are necessary and how much care is appropriate for the client’s needs. These professionals will also complete assessment of Attendant Care Needs (otherwise known as Form 1) as verification for the client’s insurance provider.

The purpose of the functional ability evaluation is to gather information to allow for decisions related to the client’s potential to work, the types of jobs which may be considered, and the types of training that may be required. It allows the examiner to understand the client’s ability to work independently, or with supervision.

The purpose of biopsychosocial (BPS) is to emphasize the importance of a systemic view of the individual and integration of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors on the client’s development and functioning.

A psychoeducational assessment will diagnose a client’s learning or behavioral challenges, identify if a learning disability is present, and provide clear recommendations on using their strengths to improve their academic performance.

The purpose of Psycho-vocational assessment (PVA) is to evaluate all aspects of a vocational ability. It also evaluates the client’s learning competencies, general personality characteristics, current emotional status, general intelligence quotient, motivation and social skills to identify the potential impact of these on the client’s work and vocational career and goals.

The Work Site Assessment analyzes the client’s job demands and identifies the physical activities factors required to perform each job task.

The purpose of Nutritional assessment is to collect and interpret information to make decisions about the nature and cause of nutrition-related health issues that affect an individual. The purpose is to identify whether the client needs nutritional intervention and to improve clinical decision making using a person-centered approach. 

The purpose of Catastrophic Impairment Assessment is to determine the severity of a person’s injuries after the motor vehicle accident. It examines the following impairments and disabilities: physical, neurological, neuropsychological, mental/behavioral, vascular, visual, spinal cord, orthopedic and/or other disabilities as a result of motor vehicle trauma. All our assessors are certified by American Board of Forensic Professionals for the AMA Guides to Impairment Rating. We use Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Fourth and Sixth Edition, which are the leading medical reference for understanding, evaluating and reporting on medical impairments.

We conduct biopsychosocial assessments to document the mental, emotional, social, and psychological trauma the refugees and refugee claimants have experienced due to persecution back home and as part of their request for expedited processing. The assessments focus on the environmental, medical, social and psychological factors that affect their well-being.

This assessment explores any medical condition that may be relevant to the home care provider to ensure a safe discharge.The assessment addresses issues surrounding independence, confidence, and motivation. The assessor also evaluates medication and the person’s ability to administer their own, or state if they require prompting,and comments on mobility, particularly where the individual requires assistance with transfers and equipment is in place.

The most characteristic symptoms of disorders of the tempo-romandibular joint (TMJ) are orofacial pain, noises in the joint, limitation of movement – mouth opening – or a combination of these. Limitation may present suddenly as locking or may be slowly progressive. Therefore, this assessment addresses pain of the TMJ structures that may arise from the masticatory muscles or from the joint itself.

This Assessment is the systematic collection, analysis, and documentation of the oral and general health status of the client after the accident. A thorough, individualized assessment of the person allos to identify problems or risk for oral disease or complications after the traumatic incident.

Neuro-optometry assessment is a specific area of vision care that involves assessing how the brain processes information sent from the eyes.

We also arrange private diagnostic imaging as per request.

SLP assessment evaluates, provides diagnosis, and treatment of communication disorders such as speech disorders and language disorders, cognitive-communication disorders, voice disorders, and swallowing disordewrs.

  • Psychotherapy (CBT, DBT, EMDR, SFBT, Narrative Therapy)
  • Chronic Pain Treatment
  • Driving Re-Integration
  • Functional Cognitive Treatment
  • Attendant Care Services
  • Case Management Services
  • Social Work Counselling
  • Family Counselling
  • Support for Families and Friends
  • Grief Counseling
  • Counseling for Pain Management
  • Nutrition Counselling
  • Home Exercise Program
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • AquaFit
  • Gym
Additional Services

NovoMedical is proud to provide its clients with a transportation service to and from appointments to make their experience at the clinic as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Given the diversity of our province, it is crucial to have the tools in place to ensure that all communication is received as intended. As a top healthcare provider, NovoMedical provides translation services to its client base, ensuring a consistently high level of service with each client.

Our quality assurance program serves to safeguard against any shortcomings in our process and ensures that our reporting falls in line with the our goal of achieving excellence.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9.00 – 18.00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed